Tuesday, November 20, 2018

khayal and dhrupad

What is khayal and dhrupad?

dhrupad khayal
dhrupad khayal



Khayal is a form of rendering a raag. The essential components of khyal are a composition and expansion of the text of the bandish within the frame work of raag.  The khayal is divided into two parts - sthayi and antara. Khayal bases itself on a repertoire of short song(2 – 8 lines). There are two form of khayal – bada khayal (bilambit) in low tempo and chota khyal (dhrut) is medium to fast tempo(speed / laya).


Dhrupad is another form of rendering a raag. It has specific composition consisting four parts, sung by different styles. Four parts are sthayi, antara, sanchari, abhoga. The sthayi part is a melody that uses the middle octave first and lowers octave notes. The antara part uses middle octave first then higher octave notes. The sanchari part is the development phase uses sthayi and antara part already played built melodic materials uses all three octave notes. Abhoga part is the concluding part, that brings the listeners back to the starting point, rhythmic variations such as dugun, tingun, caugun  are done in this point.

Dhrupad is accompanied by mridang or pakhwaj.


                                          To conclude dhrupad is bound to its composition and Taal. But khayal is free itself from the rhythmic beat and then return to the beginning of each time cycle.


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